RemaxWorld Expo 2023 - ????

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Volume 6 Number 2 December 2012 ISSN 2071-3592 - ?????
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Spreadsheet - ?????Golden Pin Design Award
5. ????????????? eii Brand & Packaging Design Co., Ltd. ??????????. DONG-DA TEA HOUSE Gift Basket. Taiwan. Communication Design.
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Alaris Capture Pro Software - The University of Memphis
Spider size was estimated by prosoma width. We measured also the first legs (L1) of the right side of the spider from a dorsal view. Leg length was obtained ...
Untitled - Open METU
This trend inspired by micro and nanotechnology integration implies a decrease in focal length and cell size to conserve a high concentration ratio.
8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS
During the actual tasks, 22 objects were equally distributed across the virtual canvas in each pool. Each object had a size of 50 x 50 pixels. Since a within- ...