Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook 2012 - DIIS

One of those projects is the construction of a fixed link across the Fehmarn sound between Denmark and Germany. This link is supposed to be the last element ...

Extension Denmark and Germany - the Wadden Sea World Heritage
We are pleased to submit the nomination to ex- tend the Wadden Sea World Heritage to include the Danish Wadden Sea and an area offshore of the German Wadden ...
OECD Territorial Reviews: Copenhagen, Denmark
Denmark does not have three-star regional clusters, reflecting the relative lack of specialisation in Copenhagen, but has four two-star clusters and 26 one ...
Meeting with Commissioner Hahn - espaces-transfrontaliers.org
Denmark has international road connections with Germany and Sweden. Connections between Denmark and countries are subject to border controls, ...
Commuting Between Border Regions in The Netherlands, Germany ...
Border regions are often not very well connected to the national urban and economic centres and hence perform less well in terms.
Denmark's Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan under the ...
Furthermore, Denmark will have to make agreements with Germany and Sweden in technical, legal and financial arrangements in order to ensure ...
Cross-border cooperation in the Fehmarn Belt Region A political ...
The present thesis analyses the potential for cross-border cooperation triggered by the coming Fehmarn Belt Tunnel, which will shorten the distance and travel.
Lessons from the Danish-German Border Region for Post 2020 ...
Border region residents have been encouraged to exploit the free movement and actively engage in creating cross-border living spaces, where daily life ...
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