Stats SA is one of the main producers of sex disaggregated and gender data and statistical publications the production and dissemination of which its management ...

The South Africa ? Viet Nam Rhino Horn Trade Nexus -
For most of the past 50 years, South Africa served as the outlier in sociologi- cal discussions of racial inequality: From the late 1940s, when most of the.
Some of the student- teachers argued that husbands and boyfriends are entitled to their female partners' bodies because of the material benefits.
Recommendations for Cardiac Chamber
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A Deep-Sea Underwater Dataset for Long-Term Visual Localization
2.2 What is Structure from Motion (SfM)? ... SfM - Structure from Motion. SIFT ? Scale Invariant ... t d ays. Month. Average number of wet days. Page 45 ...
Non-rigid Structure from Motion (NRSfM)
ABSTRACT. The structural complexity of coral reefs plays a major role in the biodiversity, productivity, and overall functionality of reef ecosystems.
Characterizing Spatial Structures of Field-Scale Snowpack using ...
SfM is facilitating novel process understanding of fluvial and aquatic topography, hydraulics, geomorphology and habitat quality and, as well as providing novel ...
Schematic Surface Reconstruction - CNRS
Structure from Motion (SfM) is a computer vision technique that aims to estimate the 3D structure of a scene or object from a sequence of 2D images or video ...
Parametrized Structure from Motion for 3D Adaptive Feedback ...
Structure from motion estimated camera orientation associated with each image of the unreferenced model ('estimated view direction' from hereafter) is extracted ...
Evaluating the use of SfM (Structure from Motion) as a tool for ...
This thesis provides a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art literature and methods for working with uncertainties in SfM. We begin with fea-.