National Mental Health Programme (NMHP)

An increased emphasis on rural practice during professional training could contribute to overcoming barriers to providing quality mental health care in rural ...

Workforce Series: Rural Behavioral Health
Traditionally, mental healthcare services in Qatar have been the remit of psychiatrists within secondary care, where a new strategy is ...
The Nature and Availability of Mental Health Services in Arab Gulf ...
This document is intended to assist community-based behavioral health providers in their clinical and case management practice with people with mental and.
Principles of Community-based Behavioral Health Services for ...
... mental health services including inpatient/admitted care in hospitals, community-based ambulatory care and community-based residential care. The Australian ...
Mental health management - Report on Government Services 2018
Empirical evidence suggests team-based care can improve symptoms, quality of life and satisfaction; decrease hospital admissions and duplication.
This document focuses on community-based mental health services, which comprise any mental health service that is provided outside of a psychiatric hospital (7) ...
Acronyms of Adult Mental Health Terms
primary care for advice, routine and crisis referral to all mental health services (community and hospital based). In order for such a model to work, a ...
Mental Health - A Vision for Change -
assessment and intensive community treatment to people who are in crisis or experiencing serious mental illness. This is a crisis service only. w>
Community Mental Health Settings as a Context for Evidence-Based ...
In addition to CMHCs, four mid level mental healthcare facilities have been proposed to complement a community- based mental healthcare network: ...
Perceptions of Community Involvement in the Peruvian Mental ...
The man- agement by Primary Health Care Providers involves developing a treatment plan, offering basic psychosocial support and psy- choeducation, prescription ...
Expanding mental health services in low- and middle-income ...
Considering the urgent need to develop community-based interventions to facilitate appropriate psychiatric referral and mental health care for ...
Delivering Specialist Mental Health Services 2019 -
The mental health services provided include Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) based Mental. Health Services which comprise acute inpatient units ...
Guidance on community mental health services - IRIS
The different types of services addressed include: mental health crisis services, hospital-based mental health services, community mental health centres ...