Rapportannuel - Centre de recherches mathématiques

in Computer Science, volume 6134). Atelier sur l'analyse de bifurcations et ses applications. 7 au 10 juillet 2010, Concordia parrainé par le ...

Information Brochure - Academic Office - IIT Bombay
Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Earth Sciences, ... in (i) Technology & Development (TD) of IIT Bombay. Statement of Purpose (SoP) is ...
Hitting Sets for Algebraic Models: Constructions and Consequences
I had joined TIFR with little understanding of research in theoretical CS ... ence on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS.
correlation decay and partition function zeros: algorithms and phase ...
Abstract. We explore connections between the phenomenon of correlation decay (more precisely, strong spatial mixing) and the location of Lee-Yang and Fisher ...
ACM Survey on PhD Production in India for Computer Science and ...
The purpose of this study is to collect reasonably reliable data on PhD production in CS in India, and then use it to identify useful trends.
A Discussion with Spenta Wadia - ICTS
So this was Strings 2001- a very important event in the history of string theory in. India and in the history of TIFR. After Strings in Mumbai, ...
Information Brochure Ph.D. Admissions 2023-24
B.7) COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (CS). [Department of Computer Science and Engineering]. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION. First Class or 60% marks (55% marks ...
Great Ideas in (theoretical) Computer Science - IIIT-Delhi
Complexity : IIT Kanpur, IMSc, IISc, TIFR, CMI. Cryptography ... Great Ideas in (theoretical) Computer Science. Nov 25, 2023. 35 / 35.
Algebraic Problems in Computational Complexity - STCS, TIFR
... (Td)j,zi, where (Td)j is a bit string of length w and denotes the contents ... Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1974, pages 176 ...
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