Topic of the Issue: The Existential Interpretation of Being Human in ...

The texts published in the present issue were written in celebration of Søren Kierkegaard's 200th birthday for the conference The Existential.

Plato Phaedrus Summary
Portrait of Socrates Cambridge University Press. The Phaedrus, written by Plato, is a dialogue between Plato's protagonist, Socrates, and ...
Sons Of Anarchy And Philosophy Brains Before Bullets
Provides fascinating moral insights into Sons of Anarchy, its key characters, plot lines and ideas Investigates compelling philosophical issues ...
Star Trek by the Data - Anecdotes from Antiquity
As television shows go, Star Trek is a data scientist's dream. There are 741 largely inde- pendent episodes aired over six decades.
The Philosophy of TV Noir
The books published in the Philosophy of Popular Culture series will illuminate and explore philosophical themes and ideas that occur in popular culture. The ...
Socrates\' Way: Seven Keys to Using Your Mind to the Utmost
This book is about Socrates, but it's really about you and how you can bring more truth, beauty, and goodness into your life every day. Cicero said of. Socrates ...
Argumenta - Journal of Analytic Philosophy
This issue of Argumenta opens with a Special Issue devoted to Derek Parfit, one of the most distinguished philosophers of our time, whose depth and imagi-.
E01 Relación de Bienes Muebles.xlsx - Patronato Universitario UABC
In this day of missiles and supersonic aircraft, real-time information is essential for rapid, effective response. Our large, complex, globally dispersed ...
Command, Control, Co m mun ications - World Radio History
digitalNATION, Inc., a leader in the information indus , and a premier Internet service rovider with a high-speed fiber optic connection to the Internet, ...
Washington Apple Pi Journal, November-December 1996
Macintosh? that understands a simple fact. _. Time is money. It'll help·you coordinate the time use of lots of people.
Compute May 1986
tem to body length, and distinctly longer pro- boscis hooks. The A ... Limiting factors were: (1) the speed of the film in fps,. (2) the ...
MacUser Oct 1985 - Vintage Apple
series laser printer, or up to 4096 1vith a 6000 series model, Couple this ivith yet another great feature. I hat lets you print up to 16 pages in miniature ...
of Washington
DATAMATION Magazine is issued monthly on or about the first day of every month, plus one special issue in mid-May. Published by Technical Publishing Company ...