bioaugmentation for remediation of chlorinated solvents: technology ...

TD-DFT calculations were used to compute the electronic spectra of the AMFP?DDQ and AMFP?TCNE CT complexes in CHCl3 as a solvent (Figure 13).

New Charge Transfer Complexes of K - Semantic Scholar
However, the formation of insoluble HCP products, compounded by HCP expansion due to solvent adsorption during synthesis can clog flow reactors.
Flow synthesis of hypercrosslinked polymers with additional ...
As the TCE concentration was increased from 1 mM to. 7.5 mM, the rate of VC production decreased, indicating that DCE dechlorination was inhibited by higher TCE ...
Biological reduction of chlorinated solvents - Western Engineering
Dense Chlorinated Solvents and other DNAPLs in Groundwater. Includes index and bibliographical references. Editorial/production supervision: James F. Pankow.
Dense Chlorinated Solvents and Other DNAPLs in Groundwater
Compute the Hansen distance of each solvent to TCE and nPB to examine the potential ... AL = Action Level RD = Respirable Dust TD = Total Dust.
Development of Azeotropic Blends to Replace TCE and nPB in ...
Dichloroethane (DCE) is a commonly used organic solvent that performs well in extracting the lanthanides [19]. Therefore, it would be interesting to investigate ...
RT3D Reaction Modules for Natural and Enhanced Attenuation of ...
chlorinated ethene compounds (e.g., TCE inhibits the DCE dechlorination rate). Aerobic degradation of DCE and VC are modeled as first-order reactions (see ...
Cinétiques de dégradation des solvants chlorés dans les eaux ...
solvants chlorés sont le PCE, le TCE, le cis-1,2-DCE, le trans-1,2-DCE, le 1,1-DCE et le CV. Chaque solvant chloré a été ajouté à des ...
ASTM D8142-23 - iTeh Standards
Scope. 1.1 This test method is used to identify and to measure the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from.
Supporting Information - The Royal Society of Chemistry
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectra were recorded at ambient temperature on a Bruker DPX 400 (400 MHz) or a Bruker DPX 600 (600 MHz).
Toxicological Review of cis- and trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene (PDF)
... chemical, and biological properties (Figure 2-1). In general, 1,2-DCE has historically been used as a solvent for waxes, resins, and ...
Technical and Regulatory Requirements for Enhanced In Situ ...
... TCE was utilized as a cleaning agent for various parts. As a result, a chlorinated solvent plume (TCE and daughter products) originated. The ...
Supporting Information - The Royal Society of Chemistry
Additional solvent abbreviations used are as follows: ethyl acetate as EtOAc, diethyl ether as Et2O. Brine herein refers to saturated aqueous NaCl. Degas ...