The Workshop Programme Corpora for Research on Emotion and ...
Examples are the use of archaic words that can render stimuli outdated, as well as the creation ... Wachs, T. D. (2013). Relation of maternal personality to ...
Factors Affecting the Utility of Emotional Stimuli in Research - e-spaceThis thesis asks how passions, in particular anger, can be managed through practising Stoic philosophy. I explore the role of the Stoic theory of passions. The Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass MediaChange is a potentially emotional event as people anticipate or experience its outcomes and processes. Managers and researchers often ignore the emotional ... 'Wrestling anger: An investigation into Seneca's approachListening to music can arouse a variety of affective responses. The study of this phenomenon has flourished during the last two decades, particularly thanks ... Towards a Constructionist Theory of Musically-Induced Emotions... (TD).This TD is defined by designers based upon their feedback and perceptions during the procedure of design. By extracting a TD through ... KANSEI ENGINEERING AND EMOTION RESEARCH ...This thesis contributes to the spatial turn by focusing on space in archaic Greek lyric (7th?5th c bc). A theoretical framework inspired by narratology, ... Emotions in Late Modernity - OAPEN LibraryThe first collection to investigate the changing nature of emotional experience in contemporary times, Emotions in Late Modernity will appeal to students and. Routledge International Handbook of Emotions and MediaThe focus of his research is emotion theory, including neurochemical bases of emotion and the spontaneous nonverbal display and communication of emotion. OBLIQUE MOODS IN USE?????? ??????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ????? ????????? ??????????? ? ?? ???????? ?????????? ? ???????????????? ? ????. Emotional Universals - DDD UABAnger, fear, joy, sadness, shame or pride are all considered emotions. But they are different from each other. A theory of emotion should not only explain what ... What (do people think) is an emotion? - zora.uzh.chThe emerging field of emotion regulation studies how individuals influence which emotions they have, when they have them, and how they experience and ... The Emerging Field of Emotion Regulation: An Integrative ReviewThe current study indicates that the rapid visual presentation par- adigm makes it possible to identify various EFE deficits (at the level of ... tark, shperlack, burfip, and other alien bad words - Université de LilleOur results suggest the existence of a sound-meaning association between the social and emotional meaning of swear words. (Finkelstein 2018: 311 ...
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