????????? ECMO?PCPS ??? - UMIN SQUARE????

cyclophosphamide (CPA???????). ????????????????????MG ????????????? A. ????. CPA ??????????T ?? B ...

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Abstract. The purpose of this study is to clarify regional differences in survival rates of patients suffering from cardiopulmonary arrest ?CPA?who were ...
????? No. ?? ?? ???? ??? 1 %LHR observed
LUCAS ???????????????????????????????????????. ?????????????????? ??. LUCAS® ? Jolife AB.????? ...
CPA ???????????????????????????????????. ??????????????????????????????????????. ??? ...
????? - LUCAS-cpr.com
Termes manquants :
Special Issue! - VECCS
????. ???????????Targeted temperature management; TTM?????????????????????TTM trial1)?????????????????? ...
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????? MPB??. MPT??. ?9??????. ??????. ??????. MP, CP, VAD, HD-DEXA. ???????????. ??????????. Bd, Td, ...
????????????????????????. ?????????????????????????. ??????????????basic life support?BLS?. ????BLS ...
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????????????? LUCAS ??. ??????????????????. ??????????????????. ??????????CPR ??????. ?? ...
?????? - JRC ??????? -
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??????????? - LUCAS-cpr.com
????????????? CPA ??? Utstein ?????????????????. ?????????????? retrospect ?????????? ...