Apprenticeship in England

In this article, I will sketch the history and present status of apprentice- ship in relation to British industry. In a sub- sequent article, we will deal with ...

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In everyday social interaction, instances of social predicaments are ubiquitous. Whenever a social predicament occurs, we cannot avoid the resulting ...
SMACSS: Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS ???
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Pan-Tilt Unit (E Series) Command Reference Manual - MoviTHERM
See [U] 11.4 varlists for a complete description. Some commands take a varname, rather than a varlist. A varname refers to exactly one variable. The tabulate ...
11 Language syntax - Stata
Over 250 Commands. The SCX11 has various commands including motion control, I/O control, sequence control and status monitoring. For example, motion control ...
This manual is a reference to TopSpin acquisition or acquisition related commands and parameters. Every command is described on a separate ...
TopSpin - IMSERC
This command reference is a supplement to the Galil User Manual. For proper controller operation, consult the Users Manual. This command reference describes ...
DMC-40x0 Command Reference
Font name. Width × Height (dots). 0. 09 ×15. 1. 12 × 20. 2. 16 × 25. 3. 19 × 30. 4. 24 × 38. 5. 32 × 50. 6. 48 × 76. 7. 22 × 34. 8. 28 × 44. 9.
SLCS Programming Manual - BIXOLON
... command: db2 -a +c -td#. Example: Starting the DB2 command line processor in batch mode. Suppose that the alias db2 has been set for the DB2 command line.
Command Reference - IBM
Use the show router ldp bindings command to display dynamic labels. Parameters egress-label1 ? The starting egress label value for which to display services ...