Section-6 Technical Specifications

- IRC: SP 48 -1998: Hill Road ... specified in IRC code, manual and MORTH specifications for the road and Bridge works, 5th ... Construction Works and the Project ...

Managing Maintenance of Rural Roads in India
Provision of traffic safety devices and road signs in construction zones as per IRC:SP:55 and ... works, from the area of road land containing road ...
E2835 v5 - World Bank Documents and Reports
Not properly maintained catch-water drains may start pooling water and reduce the stability of the slope and trigger land slides. ... road construction when works ...
New Formation Guidelines.pdf - iricen
side of the centre line of the road),The project influence area also considered those areas that ... hilly slopes or areas with high rainfall to protect the road.
Soil Nailing for Highway Construction
(ii) Borrow area should be selected for soil suitable to be used in construction. ... In case, slope stability analysis, as explained in Chapter - 5 is required, ...
This paper presents applications of soil nailing and some previous researches for improvement of slope stability and stabilization of a vertical cut. Keywords: ...
Road pavements are designed to limit the vertical strain imposed at the subgrade level as a result of traffic that is travelling on the pavement ...
Rock Buttress Wall Design for Rural Low-Volume Roads
This guideline has been prepared based on IRC: 58-2015 and IRC-1 01-1988 . The guideline covers the design of plain jointed cement concrete pavement and brief.
Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous ...
The side slope changed to about 1:1 in the failure zone. Repairs had been made to the wall by at the tine of the field visit in. August 1986. The following ...
IRC SP 019: Manual for Survey, Investigation and Preparation of ...
... hill roads in India. The training ?Planning,. Design, Construction and Maintenance of Hill Roads? was held twice a year by. IAHE. Data ...
Capacity Development Project on Highways in Mountainous Regions
1.1.1 General. For hill road construction as well as operation and maintenance, stability of slope is one of the most important concerns for ...
expert committee report on - Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Design and construction methods for different types of protection / mitigation measures are available in IRC guidelines (IRC: SP 48 ? 2003 and ...
OM with report_circulared_28112024.pdf
IRC 34. ?Guidelines on Recommendations for Road Construction in Areas Affected by. Water Logging, Flooding and/or Salts Infection?, Indian ...