Tribal Youth - Office of Justice Programs

new programs, with an increased emphasis on violence against Indian women, sexual assault, and youth victims. ... - South Dakota Coalition Against ...

2010 Biennial Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of Grant ...
The purpose of this study is two-fold: (a) to provide rigorous data regarding the level and correlates of substance abuse problems among. American Indians on ...
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
More than 100 former students of South Dakota's Catholic-run boarding schools filed lawsuits against the federal government, the. Sioux Falls ...
June 2024 - APSAC Library
Jim Curley, a Native American who participated in the Indian placement program and attended public schools, has a similar view, though he worded it differently.
Factory Schools - Survival International
Many tribal children in Factory Schools are today suffering emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and the loss of family and community life. But ...
Digest of Education Statistics, 2016
The Digest includes a selection of data from many sources, both govern- ment and private, and draws especially on the results of sur- veys and activities ...
Upholding Sacred Obligations - Indigenous Studies Portal
The information in this report may be upsetting for some because it contains content, including images, relating to the deaths and forced ...
Improving Academic Performance among Native American Students
Demmert, William G., Jr.. Improving Academic Performance among Native American. Students: A Review of the Research Literature.
Scope. Duration and Membership I would think that any advisory ...
... cases (Sands, 1998). In some states, such as South Dakota, Indian offenses constitute a major part of the court docket. The Native American ...
Learning in rural schools: Insights from PISA, TALIS and the literature
Learning in rural schools in many OECD countries once took place in one-room schools with a single teacher educating, taking care of and ...
The Digest includes a selection of data from many sources, both gov- ernment and private, and draws especially on the results of surveys and activities carried ...
Digest of Education Statistics, 2017
136 In this particular case, Brandon Indian Residential School saw its authorized enrollment quota ... Superintendent of Indian Schools, North ...
July 24, 2023 56 ID 156 - Boarding Homes Class Action
Sexual Abuse Most Frequent Target of Efforts ??????? 106. Parent Education/Family sl~pport Efforts and Public. Awareness Campaigns Highlighted by Many ...