Nuclear fuel behaviour modelling at high burnup and its ...

... TD (TD: theoretical density) by using the Loeb's equation: ). 1(). 035.01( m n ... Zircaloy-4 and on irradiated Zircaloy-4 (batch C). More detailed can ...

Leveraging Open Information Extraction for More Robust Domain ...
(Sims et al., 2019), and biomedical (Kim et al.,. 2009) domains ... Table 4: TD domain transfer micro F1 scores when transferring from ...
The Earth system model CLIMBER-X v1.0 ? Part 2: The ... - GMD
Abstract. The carbon cycle component of the newly developed Earth System Model of intermediate complexity CLIMBER-X is presented. The model represents the ...
2018 GIF Symposium Proceedings
Established in 2001, the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) was created as a co-operative international endeavour seeking to develop the research ...
Recueil de fiches - Creseb
M. Paul TRÉGUER, Université de Bretagne occidentale (UBO Brest), Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) ? Professeur, directeur de ...
Modélisation électrique et mécanique des contractions utérines
... mod`ele de contraction de l'utérus a été, étape apr`es étape ... 4. Title Electrical and mechanical modeling of the uterine contractions.
2024 Guideline for the Primary Prevention of Stroke
We also have added sex-specific recommendations for screening and prevention of stroke, which are new compared with the 2014 guideline. Many ...
SYLLABUS MASTER Mention Biologie-Santé M2 Toulouse ...
MENTION BIOLOGIE-SANTÉ. La mention de master Biologie-Santé est une formation par et pour la recherche, qui a pour but de donner aux futur.e.s diplômé.
Fast Data Series Indexing for In-Memory Data - Université Paris Cité
Abstract Data series similarity search is a core operation for several data series analysis applications across many dif- ferent domains.
He can even adjust the physical representation manually as he desires, which will update the virtual representation immediately [4,11,26]. As a result ...
Microbiome cutané physiologique et pathologique - DUMAS
A Green Process for Niacinamide Production - CORE
Termes manquants :
Product Name: Niacinamide PC (Vitamin B3). INCI: Niacinamide. Items. Specification. Results. Appearance. (Visual). Crystalline powder. Pass. Color. (Visual).