the semiannual monetary policy report to the congress hearing

an ample supply of reserves so that active management of reserves is not required. Having made this decision, the Committee can now evaluate ...

Monetary and Currency Policy Management in Asia
fiscal reserves provided ample scope to use fiscal policy to counter adverse ... reserve deposits, but a central bank can only directly affect the level of.
IJCB journal, June 2021
The International Journal of Central Banking is published quarterly. (ISSN: 1815-4654). Online access to the publication is available free of ...
Financial Stability Review 2024 - Monetary Authority of Singapore
Strong capital buffers, supplemented by ample provisions, will ensure that local banking groups are well placed to withstand any ...
The financial system channels resources from savers to investors. It helps firms to fund new investments and households to smooth consumption over time.
Climate Change and Monetary Policy
Therefore, there is ample room for further work on creating adequate modelling tools that enable central banks to account for the impacts of climate change, and.
National Payments Plan | Central Bank of Ireland
The role of the NPP is to bring representatives of Government, financial institutions and payment users together, to ensure the benefits of reform are fully ...
MONETARY BULLETIN - Central Bank of Iceland
Unlike the central banks in other advanced economies, Norges Bank has continued to raise interest rates, to the current 1.5%. ... Sources: Bank of ...
The implications of globalisation for the ECB monetary policy strategy
This report has been jointly produced by the Eurosystem work stream on globalisation from the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks (NCBs) ...
Working Paper - Norges Bank
Abstract. We use Norwegian tax data and a life-cycle model with housing to study how wealth transmits across generations through the housing market.
The banking system's liquidity surplus and interest rate formation
In recent years, the Swedish banking system has gone from having a structural liquidity deficit towards the Riksbank, to having a surplus.
TD Economics - Dollars and Sense
We have already seen the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the Bank of Korea and the Norges Bank lift policy rates off the floor. The overarching ...
STAFF MEMO - Norges Bank
We define the neutral real interest rate as the risk-free rate consistent with balanced developments in the economy in the medium term, when the impact of ...