Untitled - Columbia Global Centers

In 1973, a legal draft sparked high emotion because it addressed the regulation of polygamy, child marriage, and the regulation of property in cases of divorce.

of International Journal Euro-Mediterranean Studies
Of equal importance to social scientists are the dy- namics of the waiting game, which provide a precious opportunity for understanding the fundamental ...
Institutions, Geography and Economic Prosperity
The official records of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geo- graphical Names, held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 4 to 22 September, ...
This thesis represents an attempt to examine, through selected materials, the reactions of Arab scholars to the problem of Western.
Islam and Tibet ? Interactions along the Musk Routes
of Ptolemy by the Arab scholars of Spain, see Sabra (1984). 19 One of ... Nafis, Ahmad (1947) Muslim Contribution to Geography, Lahore.
11011419.pdf - Enlighten Theses
The subject of this study is the work of Mu?ammad al-W?l?, a seventeenth-century Muslim scholar from central sudanic Africa. The scope is well defined; ...
Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science, Volume 1 - Free
The first four chapters treat the geography of the three countries regarding their area, climate and cultural affinities as well as the stages of economic ...
Ancient Egypt in Medieval Moslem/Arabic Writings - UCL Discovery
Science Chemistry; In development, Muslim scientists contributed greatly in discovering several chemical substances that can be combined to form useful new.
Meccan trade prior to the rise of Islam. - Durham E-Theses
of Ptolemy by the Arab scholars of Spain, see Sabra (1984). 19 One of ... Nafis, Ahmad (1947) Muslim Contribution to Geography, Lahore. Nallino, Carlo ...
Thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy in ...
degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Arabic). The work on the Thesis was commenced under the direction of the late Dr. Sir Thomas W. Arnold.
Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science - islamic-study.org
DURING the course of my 1953-4 tour in Arabia, I was able to see a great many new MSS, mostly of specifically South Arabian content, amongst.
Geographical Factors In Arabian Life And History
The Hebrew text on which this book is based was written in 1971. In the meantime, several scholarly papers have been published, some of.
The Historical Geography of Arabia Or, The Patriarchal Evidences of ...
... Arab tribes, ... it was clear that the most valuable results might justly be anticipated from exact scrutiny into. Digitized by Google. Page 6. DEDICATION. V.