HSR-29 Belgium's Participation in the European Space Adventure

We make use of the Belgian Election Panel (BEP) data that included measures of prejudice toward multiple target groups (immigrants, Flemings, Walloons,.

An Insiders' Outside Perspective on the Flemish-Walloon Conflict
In this study we analyzed the opinions of citizens of the German-speaking minority in Belgium on the linguistic conflict between the ...
Belgians .seem: to have similar ranges in their ... ar .-td: ... S -cears, hut as long as the government can afford it, Belgians will, probably not limit.
The genetic structure of the Belgian population - sciensano.be
This analysis also allowed us to compare the Belgian population to the geographically and linguistically related population of the Netherlands, for which allele ...
Pesticides en viticulture - OAPEN Library
In contrast to the distinct spectral signature, in the time domain, the tremor is hidden in the broadband glacial background noise (Figures 1b and S1). 3.
Stick?Slip Tremor Beneath an Alpine Glacier - RESOLVE Project
Cette septième édition du symposium ETM a réuni, pendant 6 jours, une vaste communauté de chercheurs (soit 71) de différents pays : Canada, Chili, Chypre,.
the data stream as well as the novelties, exceptions, or changes occurring in this stream over time. The main contribution of this thesis ...
Analyse des propriétés stationnaires et des propriétés émergentes ...
... TD (Figure 1B, C). This confirms the critical function of residue 297 in GFLV transmission by X. index. This position is highly conserved within the 219 ...
MASTER LANGUES & SOCIÉTÉS Parcours Études anglophones
Ce TD de 1ère année offre une initiation à la traduction de textes littéraires français et anglais tirés des classiques modernes de difficulté moyenne ? des ...
Verifiable Streaming Computation and Step-by-Step Zero-Knowledge
Abstract. We propose a new incrementally computable proof system, called Incrementally Verifiable. Streaming Computation (IVsC).
Cliques statiques et temporelles: algorithmes d'énumération et de ...
les figures par ses sommets en ordonnée et le temps en abscisse. Un sommet qui appartient à la communauté sur un intervalle de temps donné ...
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