Image-based rock typing using local homogeneity filter and Chan ...
All source codes related to this article can be found at, an open-source online data repository ...
Préparation et réponse des pharmacies hospitalières aux situations ...Tout d'abord, je souhaite présenter ici ma profonde reconnaissance au Professeur Pascal. Bonnabry et au Privat-Docent Dr Nicolas Widmer, co-directeurs de ... lessons from covid-19 - World Bank Documents and ReportsThis work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpreta- tions, and conclusions expressed in this work ... The Network Readiness IndexShaping the Global Recovery: How digital technologies can make the post-COVID world more equal. The great acceleration. Reducing digital divides ... Coupling a large-scale glacier and hydrological model (OGGM v1 ...The data set also contains parameter sets,. (post-processed) simulation outputs, and other relevant code and information used for this study. QuRating: Selecting High-Quality Data for Training Language ModelsAbstract. Selecting high-quality pre-training data is impor- tant for creating capable language models, but existing methods rely on simple heuristics. We. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Saudi Arabia - medRxivAll the intermediate files and codes. 298 are provided in the. GitHub directory for the project: 299 300. Modélisation statistique et mathématique des - HAL ThèsesJe tiens ensuite à remercier chaleureusement ma directrice et mon directeur de thèse, Lulla. Opatowski et Philippe Glaser. Fine-Tuning BERT-Based Pre-Trained Models for Arabic ... - SciSpaceThis section introduces the Arabic language and its varieties, the formulation of dependency parsing as a sequence labeling problem, and BERT ... GEO-SEQ2SEQ: Twitter User Geolocation on Noisy Data through ...We propose GEO-SEQ2SEQ, a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model for. Twitter user geolocation that rewrites noisy, multilingual user-provided ... Study Protocol P2-C1-003 - HMA-EMA CataloguesA pre-specified list of chondrosarcoma drug treatments will be generated and when possible patients will also be classified as having undergone ... Université Paris Cité - Laboratoire de linguistique formelle - CNRSPresident. Mme Martine Adda-Decker. Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS, France. Rapporteurs Mr James Scobbie. BIS Quarterly Review, December 2024Saudi Arabia. LV. Latvia. SC. Seychelles. LY. Libya. SD. Sudan. MA. Morocco. SE. Sweden. MD. Moldova. SG. Singapore. ME. Montenegro. SK.
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