Transcriptional landscape in rat intestines under hypobaric hypoxia

the rat gut and migrating motor complexes in rats after. Nippostrongylus ... Leser, T.D., and Molbak, L. (2009). Better living through microbial action ...

TOUCHDOWN SIMULATION - NASA Technical Reports Server
The aim of this study was to detect and analyse the changes in the expression of apoptotic genes (Bax, Bcl2) and the genes responsible for the production of ...
Effects of intestinal ischemia reperfusion injury on the level of ...
Introduction / Introduction ........................................................................... 5. Descriptif des cours / Course Outlines .
Choc Septique: Défaillance Myocardique et Altérations des ...
L'état de choc septique est une des principales causes de mortalité hospitalière. Il est caractérisé par une vasoplègie, une tachycardie et ...
LISTE DES ABREVIATIONS - Université de Lorraine
Table I: Metabolic and hemodynamic alteration between (shock-induced rats, rats at time/induction of shock) and Sham animals. No difference was observed ...
The first phase determined whether a chosen duration of hemorrhagic shock in rats would induce a time-dependent effect on vascular hypo- reactivity. Second, the ...
A, B : rats témoins ; C,. D : rats traités au véhicule ; E, F : rats traités au GLP-2. L'irradiation induit un épaississement tissulaire important. (C) ...
Acute renal injury induced by endotoxic shock in rats is alleviated ...
Abstract. ? OBJECTIVE: To explore the ef- fect of PI3K/Nrf2 pathway on acute kidney inju- ry (AKI) induced by endotoxic shock in rats by.
HDR_Agnes_Francois.pdf - IRSN
A, B : rats témoins ; C, D : rats traités au véhicule ;. E, F : rats traités au GLP-2. L'irradiation induit un épaississement tissulaire important (C) ...
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