La actividad emprendedora formal e informal

Crear negocios es un factor clave para dinamizar la economía en el ámbito local, impulsar el desarrollo de las comunidades, mejorar la calidad de vida de ...

Formación de Emprendedores - SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA
RESUMEN. El emprendedurismo, la actitud emprendedora, el espiritú emprendedor y la intención emprendedora.
impacto de las competencias holísticas de innovación del ...
Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de aprendizaje en estudiantes de las universidades españolas participantes de la semana de la economía ...
Untitled - UOC
(2010) suggested that destructive leadership is a consequence of failed self-regulation, which could occur when leaders fail to effectively regulate their ...
Workplace conflict and individual well-being - Research Explorer
three types of conflict within a production unit or management team ... Countering the effects of destructive criticism: The relative efficacy of four.
The Influence of Conflict Handling Styles And Organisational Types
Taking the effects of conflicts as a criterion, they can be put into two categories: constructive (functional) and destructive (dysfunctional) conflicts.
Why do leaders engage in destructive behaviours? The role of ...
Destructive deviance refers to behaviour that violates the group norms, or of the reference organization in which the individual evolves (Bord, ...
The International Journal of Conflict Management 2000, Vol. 11, No ...
destructive relationship conflict, such as personal attacks (Deutsch, 1973). Conflicts that are effectively managed can improve individual ...
Aneta MADYDA ? Conflict management in an employee team in ...
... destructive phase characterized by a win-lose or competitive orientation to the conflict. What determines whether a conflict takes a destructive, win-lose ...
Conflict management in an organization: A case study of the
Another common distinction in the literature is between constructive and destructive conflicts (Deutsch, 1973; Dwyer et al., 1987; Hibbard et al.,. 2001), and ...
Relationship between Constructive Deviance, Proactive Behaviors ...
differences between the different social identity groups represented in the team (see ... The Resolution of Conflict, Constructive and Destructive. Processes. New ...
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution -
(Pinkley, 1990) and have different effects on team and organizational outcomes (Kabanoff, ... Deutsch, M 1969, 'Conflicts: Productive and destructive', Journal of ...
Inter-organizational conflicts: Research overview, challenges, and ...
Causes, area and sources' of conflict in nursing. Classification and types of conflict. Nature of conflict - constructive or destructive. Page 5. 3.5 AREAS OF ...