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Color Selection
Data on surface colors show that some Os do not tolerate a sample as a representative of a hue which others give it. The results in Table I, wherein reports of ...
Performance on the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue Test Is ... - TVST
In a general manner, FD OCT often has higher sensitivity and higher acquisition speed than conventional point scanning TD OCT thanks to the ...
VIII. A method and instrument for the measurement of the visibility of ...
The region of the visible spectrum from around 510nm to 555nm (which the range for unique green overlaps with) is a region of relatively poor hue discrimination ...
Effects of light and dark adaptation of rods on specific-hue threshold
A reliable method for fitting TD-DFT transitions to experimental UV?visible spectra. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 954, 52-56 ...
Color In Visual Search - UC Irvine
It is worth noting that subjects generally used two of the four hues, together with the achro- matic category, to describe any light. Virtually no light was ...
Interface self-referenced dynamic full-field optical coherence ...
COLOR depends on light. The brightness of light affects the hue and saturation of the spectrum of colors we see as red, yellow, and blue. Color.
Locating the Unique Hues - University of York
We will show that hue and saturation scaling, at least as we use it, is a very robust procedure; it is reliable and easy to use, and is relatively free of many ...