Beams 92 - INIS

... Sudan, USA. H. Doucet, France. D. Ryutov,Russia. P. VanDevender,USA. G. Kessler,Germany. K. Yatsui,Japan. National Steering Committee. _k. T ... T.D. Pointon ...

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Counter-IED Operational Integration Center (COIC)
IRGC raids on key export facility(ties). ? Iranian built Nasr-2 ship based SSM. ? Iran could potentially acquire the supersonic Russian P-800 ...
US, Israeli and Gulf Perspectives on the Threat from Iran
including within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Defense Ministry, and ... forces, resou;rces a_:r;td w-eapons to e_nsµ;re that ...
Iran's Strategic Competition with the US and Arab States - AWS
Com- mand-and-control was complex, with key Iranian-aligned. Shia militias taking direction from their Iranian advisers, including IRGC Quds Force commander ...
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization (IRGC SSJO) ... E. TD Promelektronika LLC ... E. Tako LLC.
National Council of Resistance of Iran - FARA eFile
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Pasdran numbered about ... Allah and the defense of Iran. The army became in law and in.
Strategic and Operational Implications of Iranian Military ... - DTIC
ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS (IRGC)-QODS FORCE). -to-. AL-JAMAL ... Manufacture Date 1992; Aircraft Model IL76-TD; Aircraft Operator YAS AIR; ...
us treasury report week 21 of 2024
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) ... SSID: 175-63977 Name: TD Promelektronika LLC. Other ...
??? - ?????
Iran has established a substan- tial global force projection network that includes the Islamic Revo- lutionary Guards Corps, or IRGC, and the ...
hezbollah's strategic shift: a global terrorist threat hearing
and technological support to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Corps - Qods Force (IRGC-QF); ... All of her right, title and interest in the contents of the TD ...
unclassified - intelligence - The National Security Archive
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) IRGC-Qods Force oversees the execution of Tehran's policies in Iraq. The Revolutionary ...
FLIGHT PS752 - Global Affairs Canada
The Quds Force of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. (IRGC) and several other surrogates are listed under our Criminal Code as terrorist entities. So ...