to Promote the Use of Equestrian Helmets

Background: Equestrian eventing is a dangerous Olympic sport, with 16 rider and. 69 horse fatalities at competition in the last 10 years.

enting south africa schedule ? 2021 - Eventing SA
The Competitive Trail Riding Rules MUST be read in conjunction with the FEI Veterinary. Regulations, General Regulations, the Equestrian Sports ...
Opening Statement by Denis Duggan, Chief Executive, Horse Sport ...
Fédération Royale Belge des Sports Equestres asbl. Belgian Equestrian Federation ... Un rapport sur dangerous riding, irrégularités, plaintes,etc. E.2 ...
Relative Age and Sex Effect in Equestrian Sports across the Olympic ...
Were there any incidents of dangerous riding? ... ?. If yes, please complete the ?TD Comments? sec on of the Course Advisor report and a ach to the TD report.
Complet TD rapport Eventnaam en nummer ? Nom et numéro du ...
Knowledge of the rules of any sport is required of each participant, and the competitor at an EC-sanctioned competition must accept this responsibility.
SECTION J ENDURANCE - Equestrian Canada
There are 10,000 registered horses competing in. Show jumping, eventing and Dressage nationally which are produced by over 7,300 competition riders and their ...
?Equestrian Sport Ready? Safe Sport Resumption COVID-19
The role of a TD is to make sure that the event is meeting the rules and regulations set by the National Body, Equestrian Australia or the FEI, also that the ...
Cross Country Resource for Athletes Coaches and Officials
Preparation is the name of the game in dressage competition. Both horse and rider must be prepared physically and mentally, not only for the tests ahead but for ...
INVITATION LETTER - Fédération Française de Pentathlon Moderne
In a CTR Compe on any member of the Genus Equus counts as a ?horse?. The most important responsibility of the Technical Delegate (TD), Ground ...
It is the chef d'équipe's responsibility to notify the TD immediately if one of his riders draws a horse that he has already ridden earlier on during the ...
Equestrian Australia Eventing Committee
Duties. The Technical Delegate (TD) is appointed by the Pony Club WA State Eventing Committee as its official representative.
25th Edition, Effective for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 26 July - FEI
The FEI requires all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI Code of. Conduct and to acknowledge and accept ...
All courses should be built to the specifications in the interest of the future safety and welfare of the horse and rider. ? We have many talented riders and ...