Classical and operant learning in the larvae of Drosophila ...

Mutations that modulate the activity of ion channels are essential tools to understand the biophysical determinants that control their gating.

Cell Migration: Cooperation between Myosin II Isoforms in Durotaxis
Patients with the classic infantile form have completely deleterious mutations in both acid a-glucosidase alleles, reducing residual enzyme activity to less ...
In this study, we investigate the role of the Drosophila ki- nesin-5, Klp61F, in postmitotic neurons. Using a combination of classical genetic ...
Mutation of a single residue promotes gating of vertebrate and ...
He appears as a pale, gaunt horse with hazy black eyes. Flies crawl over his mangy, sore- infested body. By gazing into a victim's eyes, Hacamuli drains three ...
Enzyme-Replacement Thera in Classic Infantile Pompe Disease:
Abstract: Cell movement within three-dimen- sional tissues is a cycling multistep process that requires the integration of complex biochemical.
?Mitotic? kinesin-5 is a dynamic brake for axonal growth - bioRxiv
Tout d'abord, je tiens à remercier l'ensemble des membres de mon jury. Aux Dr Emmanuel. Donnadieu et Dr Laura Broutier, pour avoir accepté ...
Immunothérapie T-CAR dans les gliomes pédiatriques de haut-grade
A closer analysis of the crawling tracks revealed differences in wave amplitude between control animals and mutants, but no significant differences were ...
This month, TD is proud to present the first in what promises to be a long line of modules for use with Top Secret, TSR's new espionage role-playing game. ?The ...
Dictyostelium Mutants Lacking Multiple Classic Myosin I Isoforms ...
Classic studies and recent work have revealed a surprising number of distinct mechanical modes of actin-dependent crawling used by different ...
Modulation de la locomotion de Caenorhabditis elegans induite par ...
These mutants crawl like WT worms on gels (with a smaller velocity) but switch between swimming and crawling-like patterns in liquid (32). We report in Fig ...
table of contents - SED in France
RESEARCH ARTICLE. 8. The 2017 International Classification of the Ehlers?Danlos Syndromes. Fransiska Malfait, Clair Francomano, Peter Byers, ...
Régulation du facteur de transcription SNAIL1 au cours de la ...
Pollard, T.D., L. Blanchoin, and R.D. Mullins,. Molecular ... mutant of human protein kinase. CK2 catalytic subunit. Journal of ...
Résistance des Matériaux (RdM)
Pour qu'une pièce résiste aux efforts de traction sans subir de déformation permanente il faut que la contrainte interne ne dépasse pas la limite élastique ...