Use of the FecB (Booroola) gene in sheep-breeding programs | ACIAR

The indigenous sheep breed of Malaysia is a small-sized wool-hair-type animal, known as Malin. (Malaysian Indigenous). Malin sheep are being conserved at the ...

Central Asian, China, Mongolia and Siberia - IUCN
Argali are the largest of the world's wild sheep, with relatively long, slim legs and a compact, lithe body, ... (Chinese), nyan (Tibetan, Ladakhi), arkar ...
The Practice of Sheep Veterinary Medicine - OAPEN Library
there is little information of the effect of temperament on meat production in sheep. ... the most common breed of sheep in south China, with around five ...
Jamuna basin lamb is widely distributed to both sides of Jamuna River in Bangladesh. The characteristics of Jamuna basin lambs are small body ...
... Small?Scale Enterprise by Type of Ownership, China 1978?96 ... English translation and exegetical notes take up nearly 2 800 large pages, or a total of ...
Temperament in sheep: its genetic basis and impact on meat ...
... information including a full description ... China responded that ?China maintains export administration of a small number of products for the.
Genome-wide association study (GWAS) of high productivity classes ...
Although the International Dairy Federation has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information, data and other material made available in its publication ...
IDF International Symposium on Sheep, Goat and other non-Cow Milk
This study, commissioned by the PETI Committee of the European Parliament, provides a brief overview of the relevant EU labelling legislation Member States have ...
Small ruminant management and feeding with high quality forages ...
... sheep, with relatively long, slim legs and a compact, lithe body, ... Status of the least understood wild sheep, the endangered northern Chinese argali (Ovis ...
Descriptif du cours : Ce TD comprend deux volets complémentaires : initiation à la recherche/stratégie de l'information d'une part (10h de TD), initiation ...
Small ruminant production and the small ruminant genetic resource ...
Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) causes one of the most contagious and highly infectious respiratory diseases in sheep and goats known as peste des ...
Role of Wild Small Ruminants in the Epidemiology of ... - EURL - PPR
Le mouton, le porc et la chèvre ont été domestiqués il y a environ 11 500 ans au Proche-Orient, transformant les.
mouton, chèvre et porc, dans le Nord-Ouest du bassin - ISEM
No longer are sheep and goats subsistence livestock species only. Economic opportunities exist for small ruminant producers to supply animals to both the export ...