Performance Measurement and Management Control: Improving ...

One response to these criticisms was the creation of multi-dimensional performance measurement frame- works such as the S.M.A.R.T. Pyramid (Lynch and Cross,.

Application of Performance Measurement on Manufacturing ...
The performance pyramid proposed by Cross & Lynch (1992) provide a compre- hensive view of the interrelations of manufacturing performance.
Theoretical Framework - Academic Journals
technique) proposed by Lynch and Cross (1991) is a four level performance pyramid that links the corporate strategy with the operations ...
Theory and practice in SME performance measurement systems
In contrast, the performance pyramid (Lynch and Cross,. 1991) provides an explicit link between strategy and operations, and also encourages a user-centred ...
Evaluation de la performance des systèmes de conception pour la ...
[Lynch et Cross, 95]. Lynch R.L., Cross K.F., ?Measure up ! How to Measure Corporate. Performance?, 2nd eds. Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge ...
Performance Pyramid System (PPS) [Lynch et Cross, 1991]. C'est le modèle SMART (System Measurement Analysis and Reporting Technique). A l'origine, le modèle a ...
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