Vessel Extension Request Feb2021 -

... Kaiun Co., Ltd. Yano Kaiun Co., Ltd. Granted. AMS Extension. December 31 ... TD Equipment Finance Inc. Granted. No CG TA systems available.

Eastern Cross Shipping SA, IMO Number
As the Owner and Operator and charterer of the King Yukon, Eastern Cross Shipping,. Toyo Kaiun, and Pacific Basin Chartering were responsible for the management ...
Approximately 201,500 square feet of paved upland area. Leased to Daido Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. for 10 years. Daido Line presently operates 50 ships (regular service).
... TD II. 222,1. 222,1. Fiducie de liquidité sur actifs immobiliers. 118,8. 118,8 ... Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. 273 300. 3,1. 3,1. IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG. 17 073. 0 ...
Fl .3 I - MSU Vietnam Group Archive
Kaiun. Ste Ind.Archimede. -. Ste Kitagawa Sangyo. Kaiu.n. Ste Ind.Archimede a reporter : 15.862,00. 29. 232 ,oo. 9.299,66. I.509.375,45. · 2.0I6 ,oo. 7.560,00.
Annex 5 - ICCAT
The TD reported swordfish (X. gladius) collectively as DR and FL. The LSPLV provided numbers and tonnage for both DR and FL form and the ...
DOCUMENTATION - Comite Maritime International
dated 14th January, 1976 (document TD/B /AC.15/14) is divided into three parts; part one deals with the rules on liability for carriers and CTOs (or MTOs as ...
ATP Socio-Économie des Transports - Temis
Une expansion continus des échanges, une ouverture croissante de chaque pays sur l1 extérieur, sont les caractéristiques principales de.
CONSOLIDADA - Método Engenharia
Para conferir o original, acesse o site, informe o processo 1003040-95.2022.8.26.0100 ...
Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal
do homem sobre a terra, da mesma forma que existirá depois da sua morte. ... Bueno, cujo PL já foi aprovado na Câmara dos Deputados e se ...
II Encontro Científico do Parque Estadual dos Três Picos
O projeto pretende, a partir de uma abordagem interdisciplinar e de ações participativas com o produtor rural (Figura 1), analisar a dinâmica espaço-temporal da ...
Plano de Curso - IFTO
BUENO, Eduardo (org.), História do Brasil, São Paulo, Publifolha, 1997. ? COTRIM, Gilberto. História Global: Brasil e Geral. 6 ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2002..
National Institute of Science and Technology for Climate Change
The National Institutes of Science and Technology were created in 2008 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil (MCT).