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Wolf, T., Wichelhaus, T., Gottig, S., Kleine, C., Brodt, H. R. & Just ... & Thys, E., 2012. Economic burden of bovine trypanosomosis in three villages ...
Molecular-genetic insights in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic ...
Interactions: Caution with CYP3A4 inhibitors and fluconazole, dose reduction recommended when coVadministered with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or fluconazole.
Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Information Bulletin, Vol. 35, Part 1
Roumanie / Romania. 3.04.1959. Inde / India. 11.09.1959. Espagne / Spain. 18.08.1960. Japon / Japan. 27.03.1961. Madagascar / Madagascar.
Performance of the Belgian Health System. Report 2012 - KCE
This edition of Fishes of Wyoming supersedes a 1970 edition of Wyoming Fishes. The 1970 edition listed 78 species of fishes which are native to Wyoming and.
H e m a t o lo g y E d u c a t io n - EHA Library
'TD~ ) \t). Kovemoer 15, 1976. SUBJECT : Ma.nEowe~:.._~opmcn-t .Ln ... Normally, chickens use 5 lb protein in food to produce 1 lb eggs.
Journal of the silkworms. Revue des vers a sole.
Thys van den Audenaerde's suggestion for devising a new system of naming cultured tilapias and drew attention to the continuing problem of researchers using.
by George T. Baxter and Michael D. Stone - Wyoming Game and Fish
FMD is a severe, highly contagious viral disease affecting domestic and wild ruminants and pigs. FMD is endemic in Niger with potential impact on the ...
Folder ID: 30137486 Dates - Public Documents | The World Bank
FOREWORD. Twenty-four years ago SASP was founded as a biennial winter conference by members of the Institute for Atom Physics (now: Institute for Ion ...
ia Genetic Resources for Aquaculture
L évolution très complexe des techniques d'analyse et de reconnaissance des gemmes a amené l'Association. Française de Gemmologie à nouer des liens ...
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You may have heard that France ~d the UN are setting up an international water institute - called CEFIGRE at Sophia Antipolis (Antibes).
Impacts du design de vecteurs dérivés du VIH-1 et de la machinerie ...
Le système immunitaire a pour rôle essentiel de nous défendre contre les pathogènes, tout en demeurant tolérant au soi. Lorsque la tolérance au soi est ...