Worldwide Services - GWC

Chargeable weight. Rates are based on the total actual weight or the total dimensional weight of all packages in the shipment, whichever is the greater. Any ...

terms & conditions - rules tariff ttfy-100 - Titan Freight Systems
When actual weight and dimensional weight are used in the calculation of freight charges, limit of liability shall apply to the billable weight.
About our accounts and related services - TD Bank
Below and on the following pages, are details about the features of our accounts, the services available and applicable fees. TD Chequing ...
Capacity Surcharge Schedule for All International Air Freight ...
§ Surcharge reflected above is in USD per kilogram of chargeable weight and reflects amount of surcharge and not the entire rate. Other currencies will ...
$10 Per 45 KG (100. LB), Per AWB, Per day. $55 Minimum/Per AWB. *Rate is based on. Chargeable Weight. Free allowance calculation. *Complete.
?At least one piece of shipment must weigh more than 68 kg or exceed dimensions determined for FedEx International Priority service. ?All pieces of shipment ...
Shipping Rates Calculator - Aramex
Chargeable Weight, If any of the Dimensional values are filled then the rest must be filled. Width. Double. C. 5. Format: 000.000. MAX = 100. Measurements ...
mi s cel l ane ous (51 2 b ) ch ar ges - outbound terminal charges
$10 Per 45 KG (100. LB), Per AWB, Per day. $55 Minimum/Per AWB. *Rate is based on. Chargeable Weight. Free allowance calculation. *Complete.
time definite - DHL Express
DHL uses the IATA formula to calculate volumetric weight according to the following formula (charge weight rounded up every half kilogram):.
Prices and conditions - DB Schenker
Volume calculation: The volumetric weight is calculated by multiplying the total volume of the shipment expressed in cubic metres with 280 kg. Invoicing: The ...
CENNIK BTS 2023 AJ - Skyport
Handling fees are applied from the chargeable weight, the chargeable weight being the volumetric weight. Prices are shown without VAT. One ...
Tariff-applicable-to-transportation-of-Cargo.pdf - Air Saint-Pierre
The total of all the prepaid charges, i.e. weight/volume charge, valuation charge, other prepaid charges due carrier and, if applicable, tax and other charges ...
QI Post Express Service
TD. Destination ... MP. Miscellaneous-due issuing carrier. AF, KL. 0.07. Chargeable weight. CCS. Export charge for shipments into Venezuela security and handling.