the journal of the middlesex regiment

to a tented camp at Sek Kong, and after a month there we moved to Beas Camp, formerly the stables of the. Hong Kong Jockey Club, thought to be one of the best.

Clayton News, 03-09-1918 - CORE
the deposed king. At least 730 lives were lost In the disaster at the Hongkong Jockey. Club's track at Happy Valley when a stand occupied, by Chinese ...
C J M de Blok - VU Research Portal
In the Montagus' harrier we found that there was no sex effect on either cere or tarsi ... Blue tits are ultraviolet tits. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. series B ...
Sexual dimorphism in breast stripe width and beak eco-morphology ...
All these responses of adult tits to parasites are time-consuming, which can potentially result in some changes in food preferences and selectivity. As far as ...
Manipulating rearing conditions reveals developmental sensitivity in ...
If several females selected the same male (eight males were selected more than once), we paired the female that had the smallest ?interest? for ...
Dr Andrew (Andy) Graham Gosler FLS
There is a developing literature on the relationship between female body weight, breast size and waist-to- hip ratio (WHR) and male ratings of attractiveness.
the role of some environmental stressors on egg quality
Secondary sexual coloration can be mainly categorized as structural or based on pigments such as carotenoids or melanin (Hill & Brawner 1998).
the-breast-is-an-accessory-organ-of-the-female-reproductive-system ...
Tits=y. #{Tikul. X avec prosage recertifs de le chemin de Sarber ex. ? ??. D'apan lo the proprieto de Mubar, les Xingent inputants et clone. Titl aa, si #11 ...
Blue tits are small (12 g), short-lived socially monogamous passerines with modest extra-pair paternity rates (~5% to 20% across populations: ( ...
Female great tits (Parus major) reproduce earlier when paired with a ...
Sex was identified by observing male secondary sexual characteristics proposed by Zuffi and Gariboldi (1995): concave plastron, orange eyes (yellow in females), ...
Brighter yellow blue tits make better parents - Digital CSIC
fledglings' sex ratio or mortality in Great Tits (e.g. Eeva et al., 2012 ... small sex difference may. 296 results in an even smaller sex bias in the ...
m-échantillon de loi N (1, 4)
Previous work suggests that sexual dimorphism in the bill shape of tits is related to the relative importance of intra- and interspecific competition ...
dynamique et genetique des populations de cistude - Biogéosciences
Les métiers de la petite enfance sont marqués par une forte division sexuelle : d'un côté l'attribution aux professionnelles de la petite ...