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Cities are like magnets. They exert a power- ful attraction on people. More than half of the people on our planet already live in urban.
Type B aortic dissection: new perspectives - AME Publishing CompanyAbdominal aortic dissections: Another aspect of dissections involving the descending aorta, whether of type III or postoperative type I, is the long-term. Management of Descending Thoracic Aorta Diseases - ESVSDissecting aneurysm of the aorta in young indi- viduals, particularly in association with pregnancy: with report of a case. Ann. Intern Med 1944; 20: 486?511. Management of Acute Aortic Dissectionsaneurysms proposed by DeBakey, a second classification combines the location and clinical picture of the patients with acute dissections of the thoracic aorta. DELAYED RECOGNITION OF ACUTE AORTIC DISSECTIONDissections limited to the ascending aorta and those with aortic insufficiency or massive pericardial tamponade require a direct approach. The majority of ... Aortic dissection: incidence, natural history and impact of surgeryABSTRACT Anatomically, dissecting aneurysms may be classified into four types: Type I, the most common, originates in the ascending aorta or aortic arch. Historical Background of the Translatological DictionariesThis paper analyzes the vocabulary of English textbooks for primary and secondary schools and shows their usage and coverage in different real language ... Past Tense Production by English Second Language Learners With ...The novice students' language development will also proceed through a ?silent period? in which students appear not to be learning much language, but teachers ... An Analysis of Error in written English paragraphs of nont d. n m up to about 2 ½ years. Some ends of words are still missing, but many are now being used. Often, the last sound of the word is made the same as. An Introduction to English Language: Word, Sound and SentenceThe self-imposed limitation of the Dictionary's scope is the out- come of consultations with language instructors, translators and students in many fields. An analysis of new English words created during COVID-19There are English words even now omitted from the twenty packed volumes of the. Oxford English Dictionary. And no phonetic de- scription has quite done ... Vocabulary Development for English Language LearnersThis much-cited resource showed that ?the?, ?of? and ?to? comprised approximately 10% (Brown Corpus, n.d.) of the 1,014,312 words in the Corpus ... DICTIONARY OF LANGUAGESThere was a time, and that at no very diftant period, which may be called the Aiiguftan age of England, I mean during the reign of Queen Anne, when Englifli ...
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