World Trade Report 2023: Re-globalization for a secure, inclusive ...

The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary global health crisis which has brought unprecedented levels of social and economic shock into our Member States, ...

The Implications of Public Investment for Debt Sustainability
The T&D Insurance Group has prepared this report to provide a wide range of stakeholders with a picture of the Group's approach to sustainability,.
The theory of change here is that the formulation of a positive duty to respect human rights in supply chains and take concrete steps to ensure ...
The future of sustainable trade: Due diligence initiatives, voluntary ...
TD's Climate Action Plan (CAP), announced in 2020, builds on our longstanding environmental leadership and outlines how we are working toward achieving our ...
Sustainable and resilient transport and trade facilitation in times of ...
An UNCTAD simulation model suggests that global import price levels would increase, on average, by 11.9 per cent as a result of sustained ...
Final Report - | European Securities and Markets Authority
The legal mandate for GLESI is set out in Art 28d of the Transparency Directive (TD) which obliges ESMA to issue guidelines on the supervision ...
Recent Developments on Sustainability Priority Themes
- T&D Insurance Group believes that it should play a very important role in protecting the global environment and combating global warming. The Group has ...
td8930.pdf - IRS
The year 2022 represents a milestone for the Survey programme as it represents the 40th year of operation. The Toronto Employment.
Mobile Technologies for Conducting, Augmenting and Potentially ...
As with an on-board survey, the CTC can distribute a public survey for the TDSP process, or TD- specific questions can be added to the TDP public survey.
Toronto Employment Survey 2022
As a re- search approach, transdisciplinarity enables for problems to be better understood by fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and ...
Challenges and strategies in transdisciplinary research
... general public, parents and child caregivers, including First Aid and CPR ... This survey also includes general rental centres, which rent a range of consumer, ...
Letter to Minister for Finance Michael McGrath in response to the ...
Bill Summary: The proposal provides that the state, any political subdivision, or any person shall not prohibit or restrict the lawful possession, transfer, ...
Calgary & Area Labour Market Report - Fourth Quarter 2007
FNIGC is committed to producing data that can contribute to the health and well-being of First Nations people living in our 634 communities across the country.