The Yahoo News Annotated Comments Corpus - ACL Anthology

More than three times as many comments express disagreement than agreement, and comments are labeled negative seven times as frequently as positive.

Exhibit B - The New York Times
BUS PACT REACHED TO ASSURE 2. YEARS OF TRANSIT PEACE Seven. Private Lines Agree to Contract With. Smaller Increase Than Subways FARE RISE.
JTF GTMO - The New York Times
At the time ofhis death, Isawas thirteenth on the Saudi. Government's Most Wanted List. The box in which the head was found was brought to Isa by NayifAl ...
Every Two Years Bi Crossword Clue
hours of puzzling fun! The 21st Century Crossword Puzzle Dictionary ... and discovery, by New York Times bestselling author Diane Chamberlain.
In Fed Watchers' Eyes: Hawks, Doves and Monetary Policy
Overall, this paper builds a hawk-dove measure for the FOMC and it shows that it is informative of individual FOMC member's actions and the ...
PART 10 of 11 - The New York Times
Has the House of Commons Had Its Day To hear its critics one would think it had An. exM P offers an eloquent defense of the.
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What are some resources for learning advanced Sudoku techniques? Online tutorials, books, and even dedicated Sudoku communities offer diverse learning avenues.
Welcome Introduction Nyt Crossword
The New York Times Mini Crosswords, Volume 1. In the Hand of Dante. It's Not PMS, It's You! Manufacturing Consent. The Original Area Mazes. Forest Bathing.
A Comprehensive Program For Alcohol and Drug Abusing Mothers ...
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol. Abuse 29[1], 19-53. Not related to pregnancy and antenatal care. Astley. Fetal alcohol syndrome prevention in. Washington ...
Prenatal Substance Exposure: Colorado by the Numbers
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services. Administration (SAMHSA), and specifically, the. National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy. Laboratory, is ...
Opioid, Stimulant, and Other Substance Use Disorders in Pregnant ...
Alcohol and other substance use during pregnancy is a problem inseparable from many other issues and factors in the lives of mothers, children, their families ...
FASD Prevention: - Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
The welfare and safeguarding of children and young people is a priority. This statement recognises that effective interventions for parental problem alcohol and ...
Preventing the Use of Marijuana: Focus on Women and Pregnancy
Finland links substance-using pregnant women and mothers of small children with child welfare services, substance use services, maternity clinics and family ...