In themed crosswords, the longest answers always have

Use the randomly listed clues to fill in this small crossword puzzle. ... BATON, STICK, WAND. 2. CONCEPT, NOTION, IDEA. 3. DANGER, MENACE ...

DIVERSIONS - The Globe and Mail
I couldn't finish the crossword puzzle and had to GIVE IN and look at the ... If we don't STICK TOGETHER, things will be much worse for all of us- we ...
Complete Phrasal Verbs List | Language for Life
Use the clues below to fill in the spaces of the crossword puzzle. The ... Part of a lacrosse stick. 17. It's time to play, so ___ ready! 18. Who is ...
the lighter side - American English
14 Cowards don't usually stick their necks out. [ ]. [ ]. 18. 15 If you can't ... Complete the crossword 2. Complete the following crossword. ACROSS. 12. 14.
english idioms - Learning Center
1 Although cats distinguish some colours better than others, they don't generally distinguish colours very well. 2 It is estimated to be anywhere between 100 ...
make something good or bad as a crossword puzzle, and to defend the view that some of ... puzzle, but (unsurprisingly) doesn't offer full-dress criticism ...
Career - Crosswords - Oregon Student Aid
Hand out a copy of the blank crossword puzzle and the three clue sheets (health career, life and physical sciences, and art design, sports, ...
year 5-6 crossword using word list from national curriculum 2014
YEAR 5-6 CROSSWORD USING WORD LIST FROM. NATIONAL CURRICULUM 2014. Part of body where arm is joined. Level. Urge, influence, coax. CLUES ACROSS. CLUES DOWN.
Usually clues have three parts: the word or phrase which is a synonym for the solution; the confusing, play-around, cryptic bit of the sentence; and a word (or ...
The key thing is to keep that focus on the clues you CAN solve and not be too concerned about the one's you can't at this stage. Measure your progress against.
Magnets Crossword Puzzle
The parts of a magnet that have magnetic strength (north and south) ... To pull forward or stick to. Attract. ANSWERS. R. E. P. E. F. O. R. C. E. B A. M O T O R.
Spelling Crossword Puzzle - Unit C-10: Words with Double ...
6. a short trip to deliver or collect something. 7. I won't let anything. 9. colorful part of a plant. 11. small, round, juicy fruit. 14. My dad likes to.
Answer Guide
Across. 1. the bus. 2. going steady. 5. a movie. 6. a hip person. 10. work, job. 13. a boy in need of a haircut. 14. angry. 15. a great party.