Advances in Non-Operative Treatment of Hiatal Hernia

In patients with HH, the main symptom occurs due to GERD, and the initial approach in treatment is commonly antireflux therapy, which aims to ...

laparoscopic antireflux surgery and hiatal hernia repair - PMGCG
THE problem of the hiatus hernia of the diaphragm is actually twofold. One aspect is represented by the dilemma of the internist who must advise the.
anti-reflux procedures after roux-en-y gastric bypass
Hiatal hernias are classified based on the location of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) and the extent of stomach herniation. Type I hiatal hernias are ...
Mesh vs. non-mesh repair of type I hiatal hernias - ZweiChirurgen
Objective: To determine the influence of manipulations aimed at increasing the transdiaphragmatic pressure gradient on the gastro-esophageal junction (GEJ) of ...
NASPGHAN Endoscopy Challenge
Patients with this ana- tomic abnormality rarely have a hypotensive lower esoph- ageal sphincter (LES) with symptoms or objective evi- dence of gastroesophageal ...
Effects of manipulations to detect sliding hiatal hernia in dogs with ...
Patients with PEH have a large variety of symptoms, such as chest pain, dyspnea, regurgitation, iterative pneumonia and iron-deficiency anemia.
Hernie hiatale : prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique en ...
Essayez avec l'orthographe
Raphaël Galicher CV - LESIA
known as a non-parametric probabilistic model (both Okapi and DFR are viewed as parametric models). ... TD word/light Okapi. Roc 3 docs / 50 terms. 0.1737 (0.1563).
Domain-Specific IR for German, English and Russian Languages
w, i.e. si tmin est la valeur minimale de td w, alors P(Xw ? tmin|?w)= ... Okapi et ? pour le modèle de langue avec lissage de Dirichlet). Ce processus ...
Combined strategies for effective multilingual IR - UniNE
Okapi, les modèles de langues et les modèles DFR (Divergence from Randomness) ... w|?w) est, par définition, une fonction décroissante de td w. Dans la ...
Intérêt de la kétamine dans la douleur chronique
... (TD queries, Okapi model). Table 2 shows the retrieval effectiveness for such combinations, using the Okapi probabilistic model. The top part of the table ...
Relation based term weighting regularization
Mean average precision of various single translation devices (TD queries, ... Thus, when searching the English or French corpus, we combined the Okapi and Prosit ...
Learning to Rank - Computer Science
of Boolean, vector space, and Okapi BM25 models was compared for data retrieval. ... t- term q- query tf td : signifies the frequency of a term in ...