Introducing Standing Weight-bearing MRI in the Diagnostics of Low ...

This position results in slight flexion of the hip, which in turn reduces lumbar tension and the risk of movement artefacts. However, studies have indicated ...

The fall of the postural?structural?biomechanical model in manual ...
Probably not, during standing and walking the trunk muscles are mini- mally activated (Andersson, 1996). In standing the deep spinal erectors, psoas and ...
The physical effect of lumbar spinal supports
During exercises when the intra-abdominal pressure reflex is excited, spinal supports had no significant effect upon peak pressure levels; however both ...
Flexion-extension standing radiographs underestimate instability in ...
Generally, most spine surgeons agree that increased segmental motion viewed on flexion-extension radiographs is a reliable predictor of instability; however, ...
Pattern of attention, stress, anxiety, and musculoskeletal discomfort ...
The results also support the lower musculoskeletal discomfort ratings associated with using standing desks in elementary school third and fourth ...
Intervertebral Disc Stress and Pressure in Different Daily Postures
The results showed that for six subjects sitting created more intradiscal pressure compared to standing and in one subject standing more than sitting.
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??????????????????????Gail Bradford?Trevor Crowe?Neil. Davidson?Mahin Faghfouri?Mike Garratt?Sarah Hutley?Katerina Konsta?Peter de ...
????????- Monthly Traffic and Transport Digest ????? ...
????????????????????????????????????????. ????????????????????? Public transport ...
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