The butterfly pea is a versatile forage legume. It is a medicinal plant that also serves as a decorative plant and a cover crop. It can ...
BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES AND PHYTOCHEMICALS OF ... - IIP SeriesThe determination of anthocyanin in the butterfly pea flower, C. ternatea, was achieved through colour changes at pH 4, pH 7, and pH 10. Anthocyanins From Clitoria ternatea Flower: Biosynthesis, Extraction ...ABSTRACT: Clitoria ternatea, a perennial, twining herb that is native to tropical Asia, has a long history of usage as a memory booster and anxiolytic. Effect of sucrose addition to antioxidant activity and colour in blue ...The objective of this research was to determine the influence of the substrate type and temperature on butterfly pea germination. Two substrate types (rockwool ... Studying the applications of Clitoria ternetea in various ... - IJIRTIn general, the temperature has significantly affected the total anthocyanins properties of the butterfly pea flower. REVIEW ON CLITORIA TERNATAIn this study, the anticancer effect of hydrophilic and lipophilic extracts of butterfly pea petal and seed on decreased laryngeal cancer cell (HEp-2) viability ... Bioscience ResearchButterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) is a climber which commonly grows in tropical areas including. India, Philippines, South and Central ... Glycerol-based extracts of Clitoria ternatea (Butterfly Pea Flower ...It could be used as a natural source of antioxidant boosters, particularly in food preparation and cosmeceutical product development. Subjects ... Exploring the Versatile Potential of Butterfly Pea - ijrprIn a different investigation, the anti-helmintic properties of CT's flowers, leaves, stems, and roots were assessed against adult. Pheretima posthuma Indian ... Biological activity of the Clitoria ternatea flower aqueous extract ...Clitoria ternatea L. is commonly called the blue pea flower, an herbaceous plant that is used for traditional medicine, natural food colorants ... Extraction methods of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower and ...The discovery of new or alternate strategies is needed to reduce the risks associated with. NSAIDs while achieving sufficient pain relief (Brune ... Antidiabetic, antidyslipidemia, and renoprotector potency of butterfly ...Conclusion: BPE has the potential to be used as a drug alternative for the treatment of DM and dyslipidemia as well as a hepatoprotective and ... A Review note on Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria Ternatea)butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower (BPF) is an underutilized plant known for several health benefits. BPF can be used for increasing ...
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