Overview - World Bank Documents and Reports

A substantial mobilization of resources, supported by a conducive investment climate and business environment, is necessary to support ...

'We as Malawians desire and resolve to be an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant industrialized upper-middle-income country by the year.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | UNCTAD
We review the literature on seven types of IBMs commonly used in agriculture value chains and their application in different aquaculture cases.
Malawi 2063 - National Planning Commission (NPC)
Achieved our target of $100 billion in low-carbon lending, financing, asset management and internal corporate programs, and set a new $500 billion. Sustainable ...
The Politics of Inclusive Development - OAPEN Library
Through inclusive business practices and ethical operations, companies help bridge divides and integrate local economies into global markets.
Trade for Peace
Abstract. This article focuses on a specific setting characterized by the strong presence of indigenous enterprises against the backdrop of a wider.
PRINCIPLES FOR SECURING ECONOMIC INCLUSION. Principle 1: Acknowledge history, discrimination, and systems that have historically kept people.
Treaty Series Recueil des Traites
business of sea or air transport between France and other countries by Union enterprises engaged in such business from income tax and all other taxes on.
Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
In this context, this book emerges with the aim to provide a general overview of social innovation, its origins, foundations, and ways of implementation by the ...
A review of inclusive business models and their application in ...
Joint ventures generally allow smallholders to unlock potential value from available land by using it as leverage to gain greater ownership of the business.
Promoting Inclusive Growth | OECD
It puts together the proceedings of a conference co-hosted by the OECD and the World Bank that took place in Paris on. 24-25 March 2011. The conference ...
A model and query language for temporal graph databases
Seen by close to 208,000 visitors,. VIKINGS: The Exhibition offered a fresh new perspective on the Viking. Age. Coming from the Swedish History. Museum, it ...
IoA502024_abstracts.pdf - University of Cambridge
This book brings multiple disciplinary perspectives, including cultural studies, sociology, and film studies, into conversation with development studies and ...