DATA SHEET. Product specification. Supersedes data of September 1994. File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04. 1997 May 29. DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS. 2N2222; ...

2N2218, A/2N2219, A 2N2221, A/2N2222, A 2N5581/82 - RPI ECSE
Vdc. Collector-Base Voltage. VCBO. 75. Vdc. Emitter-Base Voltage. VEBO. 6.0. Vdc. Collector Current. IC. 800. mAdc. Total Device Dissipation @ TA = 25oC.
DATA SHEET - ElectroSchematics.com
Collector -Emitter Voltage. VCEO. 40. V. Collector -Base Voltage. VCBO. 75. V. Emitter -Base Voltage. VEBO. 6.0. V. Collector Current Continuous.
2N2222A - ece.ucsb.ed
2N2219A and 2N2222A are Motorola designated preferred devices. Characteristic. Symbol. Min. Max. Unit. =.
2N2218A,2N2219,A* 2N2222,A
The information furnished in the Data Sheet and on the CDIL Web Site/CD are believed to be accurate and reliable. CDIL however, does not assume responsibility ...
2N2221 2N2222 - CDIL
Collector -Emitter Voltage. Collector -Base Voltage. Emitter -Base Voltage. Collector Current Continuous. Power Dissipation @Ta=25 degC.
2N2221, 2N2221A, 2N2222, 2N2222A, 2N2222MP datasheet Trans ...
ON CHARACTERISTICS. DC Current Gain. (IC = 0.1 mAdc, VCE = 10 Vdc). 2N2219,A, 2N2222,A. (IC = 1.0 mAdc, VCE = 10 Vdc). 2N2219,A, 2N2222,A.
motorola - Matthieu Benoit electrical engineering
Characteristic. Symbol. Max. Unit. Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient. R?JA. 200. °C/W. Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case.
DATA SHEET. DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N2221A, 2N2222A types are Silicon NPN Planar Epitaxial Transistors designed for small signal general ...
PNP 2N2907 ? 2N2907A NPN 2N2222 ? 2N2222A - Electols
The 2N2907 and 2N2907aA are PNP transistors mounted in TO-18 metal package with the collector connected to the case . They are primarily intended for high ...
2N2222 - Farnell
*Pulse Condition: Pulse Width ?300µs, Duty Cycle ?2%. Package. Part Number. TO-18. 2N2222. Part Number Table. Page ...
2N2222A - NET
??. Unit. Collector to Base Voltage. VCBO. 75. V. Collector to Emitter Voltage. VCEO. 40. V. Emitter to Base Voltage.
2N2222 2N2222A - Datasheet catalog
2N2222,2N2222A. MCC. fT. TransitionFrequency. (VCE=20Vdc,IC=20mAdc, f=100MHz) ... This datasheet has been downloaded from: www.DatasheetCatalog.com.