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Long-term Effects of Trauma Exposure on Inhibition and Rumination ...
Complex PTSD: A syndrome in survivors of prolonged and repeated trauma. Journal of Traumatic. Stress, 13, 271-286. doi: 10.1002/jts.2490050305. *Hyland, P ...
Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of
This study aimed to examine the efficacy and safety of PE and EMDR in reducing PTSD compared with a waiting list (WL) condition in individuals ...
Complex Trauma in Children rauma in Children and Adolescents ...
The implementation of shorter sessions of PE may increase access to evidence-based PTSD care. Keywords: PTSD, prolonged exposure therapy, military, trauma, non- ...
DEVELOPMENTAL TRAUMA - Papeles del Psicólogo
The results of this feasibility trial suggest that. PTSD patients with comorbid psychotic disorders benefit from trauma-focused treatment approaches such as PE ...
Prolonged Exposure vs Eye Movement Desensitization - EFPE
PTSD is comprised of three symptom clusters including: (1) re-experiencing of the trauma;. (2) avoidance of traumatic reminders; and (3) a persistent sense of ...
The Efficacy of 90-Min Versus 60-Min Sessions of Prolonged ...
Individuals who have experienced prolonged, repeated interpersonal traumas often present with overlapping symptoms of PTSD and a multiplicity of ...
Expanding Therapeutic Approaches for PTSD - VA.gov
Respondents who had been directly exposed to chronic trauma (e.g., domestic violence) also reported higher TD following the wildfire. (Holman & Silver, 1998) ...
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Hyper-acute trauma needs - extended range trauma care. (Requiring hyper-acute coordinated trauma care only available in MTC). BASIC CARE AND ...
The long-term consequences of trauma and posttraumatic stress ...
Almost 30 years ago, the need for a complex form of post- traumatic stress disorder in cases of ?prolonged and repeated trauma? was first ...