Convention-cadre sur les changements climatiques - UNFCCC

La saison 1 de CMA a déjà permis d'identifier des projets innovants qui formeront plus de 3 millions de personnes et en sensibiliseront 12 millions aux métiers ...

La formation aux métiers de demain : un enjeu de souveraineté ...
preparing for the first global stocktake revised non-paper ... - UNFCCC
As requested by the CMA, we developed the following guiding questions for the information collection and preparation component of the GST, ...
Speech Data Acquisition: The Underestimated Challenge - HAL-SHS
According to the Index Diachronica database of sound changes, this change appears to be vanishingly rare/perhaps unique to this language family (West Tariku ...
Typological variation in language contact - IRIS - Univr
- Typology, sound change, and recurrent sound patterns. - Link between speech production and perception. - Acquisition of sounds. - Sociophonetics. - Prosody ...
Univer - Structures Formelles du Langage - CNRS
This paper shows that several typologically unrelated languages share the ten- dency for voiced sibilant affricates to be infrequent or missing altogether.
A new companion to the Romance languages -
Interim generalization. The emerging generalization for Majorcan and Minorcan Catalan and for Lenguadocian Occitan is that sonority increase across syllable ...
The Gascon Énonciatif System: Past, Present, and Future
In the north-eastern region of Vic-Bilh, many sound changes have occurred that are not attested elsewhere in B ?earn. The /z/ phoneme has become an ...
Phonological Europeanisms - ResearchGate
It is argued that raising harmonies can only be described when phonological patterning alone defines which segments share a given prime.
RFP 2022
As lenition (Voicing), Gorgia also occurs in word?internal position and across word boundaries. This sound change can reach up to a laryngeal ...
Perception of Voicing Contrast in Labial-velar Consonants
The avoidance of voiced affricates is supported by examples from phonological processes in which the existing voiced affricates change to other sounds. It has ...
Sciences du langage 2024 2025 - Inalco
Close vowels undergo specific changes. They are subject to different processes ? devoicing, laxing, syncope ? in two opposite contexts: utterance-final and ...
Phonetic explanations for the infrequency of voiced sibilant affricates ...
The main purpose of this paper is to show that Syllable Contact is responsible for the application of an extensive set of processes drawn from Romance languages ...