(!Congress of tbe Wniteb $tates - U.S. Department of the Interior

The Honorable Pat Arp, Deputy Secretary of State, escorted by. Representatives Harvey and Hammons. The Honorable Max Maxfield, Secretary of ...

House Chamber - Wyoming Legislature
The Blue Book has become a basic tool for people across the state and many beyond our borders who wish to know more about Wyoming, state government, our economy ...
Thank you for your letter of April 15, 2013, to Interior Secretmy Jewell, co-signed by Senator Mark. Pryor and Congressman Rick Crawford, ...
United 2'mtes Senate - U.S. Department of the Interior
the House of Representatives is bad. I terms ... yet, clearly the'tax hat remains is-di;;' iore The Senator from Wyoming. ... yes, some people call the new the ...
Federal Elections 96: Election Results for the U.S. President, the ...
This publication has been prepared by the Federal Election Commission to provide the public with the results of elections held in the fifty states during ...
me Senate resumed ccnsideration of the bill (H. It. 72601 to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits. and by ...
House of Representatives - Congressional Record
As president of Hinsdale, he has played an essential role in ensuring its residents have a local government con- nected to the community and ...
Congressional Directory - GovInfo
... the Directory, the maps were not inserted in this edition. The unofficial list of the members of the House of Representatives, Fifty- third Congress, has ...
LS SIGNED. The PRESIDENT pro tempore signed tlle following enrolled bill and joint resolutions; which boo heretofore been signed by the Speaker of. :the ...
congressional directory - GovInfo
Senators from Wyoming, the Representatives from that State and from Idaho, the Representatives elected to fill vacancies, the Representatives who were.
Untitled - Sociedad Geológica

Capítulo 3 - Repositorio CICESE
Presidente: Pedro Alejandro Ruiz Ortiz (Universidad de Jaén). Secretario y Tesorero: Luis Miguel Nieto Albert (Universidad de Jaén).
Historia Natural de Sara Ana
La deformación activa en el norte de Baja California, ocurre a través de una compleja red de fallas constituida por al menos una decena de fallas dominantes ...