Euronext Dublin - Daily Official List

... TD = 4 (daphniae test). - TA = 8 (algae test). - TL = 16 (luminescent bacteria ... 99.99 1 sand filter, dependent on filter aids. Free oil. <5 mg/l. Heavy ...

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
99.99%. U. S. TREASURIES. 3,151,771. 22.58%. NR. 1,392. 0.01%. MONEY MARKET ... US TREASURY N/B / TD SECURITIES. 49,686,153.90. 50,103,515.50.
August 2024 - OC Treasurer-Tax Collector
Commer Banks Non-US. 2k/1k. 100. 100.01. USD. 900. TORONTO-DOMINION BANK (TD). 0.3. 02/06/2023. Aa3/A/NA. Commer Banks Non-US. 2k/1k. 18.0.
FIXED INCOME - ADM Investor Services
La valeur d'inventaire des titres correspond à la valeur d'utilité pour l'entreprise. Elle est déterminée en fonction de l'actif net de la ...
3801 - Documents comptables - Pappers
TD SYNNEX CORP COMMON STOCK USD.001. BUY. 202.000. 142.01. 28,687.60. TOPBUILD ... 99.99. 171,122.53. DIRECTV FINANCING LLC SR SECURED 144A 02/30 8.875. BUY.
Monthly Trade File January 2025 -
The Board of Management provided us with regular, timely and com prehensive information on the Company's business situation and financial ...
FIXED INCOME - admisi - ADM Investor Services International Limited
Destruction efficiency (DE): DEs of 99.99?99.9999 % have been reported for DDT, HCB, PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs. (UNEP, 2004b). DEs of greater than. 99.999 % and ...
In Wholesale, TD Securities advanced its U.S. dollar strategy ... 99.99. Default. 9. 100.00. Non-Retail Exposures. In the non-retail ...
Customers at the Centre - Register of AIs & LROs
TORONTO-DOMINION BANK (TD). FRN. 18/01/2027. Aaa/NA/AAA. Commer Banks Non-US. 100k/1k. 100. 1.5x. 99.99. GBP. 5000. UNITED KINGDOM GILT (UKT).
FIXED INCOME - ADM Investor Services
Cette étude comporte deux volets : l'identification d'exemples concrets d'exportations de services par les pays.
Libéralisation des échanges de services - OECD
Le fractile F99.99-100 est composé des 0,01% de la population ayant les salaires les plus élevés (le « top. 0,01% »). Le fractile F99.9-99.99 ...
VINCI TECHNOLOGIES - Comptes sociaux 2020 16-07 ... - Pappers
... USD. JPMorgan Investment. Funds - Europe Select. Equity Fund. EUR ... 99.99. 95.26. JPM Global High Yield Bond I (acc) - USD. 207.11. 229.26.
JPMorgan Investment Funds | HSBC Assurances Vie
... TD/TC/WP(2002)25/FINAL, 17 février. Czaga, Peter (2004) « Comprendre ... USD, montant supérieur au niveau réel des échanges avant la ...