From ?open ocean? to ?exposed aquaculture? - EPIC

Examples of these innovations include: (1) hydroseeding applications of native seed mixes for not only grasses but also forbs, shrubs, and trees; (2) ? ...

Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project
Research priorities include: 1) increased understanding of genetic variability in native plant species under consideration for use in revegetation; 2) ...
Utilisation of the site assessment energy indices for aquaculture in ...
If extreme currents are sustained for long periods, fish can become exhausted and pile up at the bottom and back of the pen creating stress, ...
Female fighters in the armed conflict inBasilan, Philippines
From managing households and farms to spying and fighting, their contributions were vital to the colonies' success. Learn about their hidden impact. The ...
Women Veterans : The Long Journey Home - DAV
Like most other countries, the military has a long history of excluding women from the combat arms, while selectively incorporating them into non-combat ...
Challenge and Change in the Military: Gender and Diversity Issues.
Delving into history from a female perspective therefore involves divesting oneself of certain prejudices. For example, for a long time it was thought that ...
Integration of Women into Ground Combat Unit - NATO STO
Since Birka resisted the new faith at first, and there is a higher number of female practitioners (and a female warrior as wells as possibly other empowered ...
Transgender warriors - Trans Reads
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 has meanwhile also led to a renewal of the debates around women's military participation.
1492: THE ROLE OF WOMEN - Archive of European Integration
Since 2010, female servicemembers had been serving in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan in the roles of Cultural Support Teams (CST).
Women of Fate in the Viking Age: Völur, Valkyries, and the Angel of ...
T D Ramakrishnan has vividly emphasised the oppressions experienced by the women in Tamil society in his novel Sugandhi Alias Andal Devanayaki.
Viking warrior women? Reassessing Birka chamber grave Bj.581
This thesis focuses on the High and Late Middle. Ages and aims to show that in fact medieval women from Western Europe. (predominantly the kingdoms of England ...
Female Cultural Support Team Members and Combat Definition
In defending her honour, and that of all low-caste women, Phulan is a woman-warrior who secures the triumph of the sexually and economically exploited. She.
The genetic and strontium data also show that the female warrior was mobile, a pattern that is implied in the historical sources, especially ...