Prevention and precaution - Toulouse Capitole Publications

The saving reaction is posi- tive or negative depending on whether a positive precautionary or a negative substitution effect dominates. The ...

The Microeconomics of European Integration - Moodle@Units
III If the point of equilibrium lies on a section of the utility curve exhibiting increasing marginal utility (negative risk premium) then the reverse of II ...
Invisible hand at consumption-leisure production possibility frontier
The risk premium is positive if marginal utility is negatively correlated with expected changes in future marginal utility. In this case, long bonds are ...
Comparative Precautionary Saving under Higher-Order Risk and ...
Reference levels do not change, rt = r0, and constant consumption guarantees u(x - r0), which is positive if x>r0 and negative otherwise. Here, r0 is ...
Equilibrium Yield Curves
aversion when ? is positive (negative). The intuition is clear. In ... not contribute directly to felicity, but here the marginal felicity of ...
Determinants of Experienced Utility: Laws and Implications
the marginal benefit in terms of utility of sacrificing a unit of current ... Negative and positive shocks. Table E.2 ? Correction terms for the second ...
Time-Additive Consumption-Wealth Utility
review of LES, including its positive and negative attributes. ... ? = ?. M. M ? p?? . (8). Under condition (7), the marginal utility of income is positive (? =.
Disaster Risk in a New Keynesian Model - CEPII
The growth rate of the discounted marginal utility of consumption has to be equalized to the growth rate of the marginal productivity of the ...
As bad news hurt more than good news pleases, news utility results in a first-order decrease in expected utility and the investor refuses to look up his.
The Hartwick Rule in a Two Sector Model
If we care to assume a special iso-elastic utility function of the form. U(C) = - C-m, where m is a positive constant, .(6) we can easily find out S, the ...
UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations - eScholarship
Then we know that the right-hand side of (8) is negative also. But this can be written as. E[U'(7r)](C'(x)- >) < 0, and, since marginal utility is always posi-.
Optimum Accumulation and International Trade
2In fact, the sign of marginal utility (i.e. whether it is positive or negative) defines the very notion of a ?good?. That is, any product.
The Dual Nature of Utility
quadratic function with a negative coefficient on the quadratic term. E. i f. d i ili f i b. ? Expectation of a quadratic utility function can be evaluated with ...