Using binary statistics in Taurus-Auriga to distinguish between ...

As pointed out by Hartmann (2002), most of the young stars in Taurus are located in two or three nearly parallel, elongated bands, which are themselves closely ...

Transitional disks and their origins: an infrared spectroscopic survey ...
We convolved the 3 mm maps to match the angular resolution of the Td and ?850µm maps derived from the Herschel data (see Figure 10). Introducing ...
HTaurus Taurus/MC - MTA France
We report the discovery of a new, very young accreting Class 0 protostar in the southern part of the Taurus molecular cloud. This object, designated.
Evolutionary view through the starless cores in Taurus: Deuteration ...
Some recent studies have proposed that samples of older stars ( 10 Myr) found in the vicinity of Taurus represent a distributed population that ...
Herschel view of the Taurus B211/3 filament and striations
R1,2 = B1(Td)/B2(Td)(?1/?2)?1,2 . Fits of modified black ... found in these and other cores of Taurus using also other millimeter/submillimeter cameras.
Discovery of an Extremely Young Accreting Protostar in Taurus
The cores, TMC-1 CPb and HCL2-Eab are associated with 3 low mass YSO candidate 2MASS point sources, while 35 other low mass YSO candidates are seen elsewhere in ...
NIKA2 observations of starless cores in Taurus and Perseus
A few Taurus members were observed in K2 C4 (15 February?24 April 2015), but most of the Taurus members were observed during C13 from 8 March to 27 May 20171. ...
P-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide
The signal checker is good at detecting environment/resource faults. But its accuracy is weak. For example, when the checker finds kvs's request queue is full.
The emphasis of the book is on using Verilog HDL for the design, verification, and synthesis of digital systems. We will discuss Register Transfer (RT) level ...
Source-level debugging for hardware generator frameworks
(a) Biologists study cells at many levels. The cells are built from organelles such as the mitochondria, ribosomes, and chloroplasts.
Development and Enhancement of Verification Environment for ...
Design entry usually starts with the description of the digital circuit using a high level. Hardware Description Language (HDL) such as Verilog, VHDL or ...
Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide
System Verilog supports different data types like struct, classes , dynamic queues , dynamic arrays. In our thesis , all the features of SystemVerilog has ...
Comprehensive and Efficient Runtime Checking in System Software ...
Verification in the context of digital design is the process of testing and validating the behavior of a system before it gets released or deployed.