Applications of game theory to distributed routing and delay tolerant ...

... TD, TP, stages, travaux personnels en bibliothèque, en laboratoire, en ligney t des crédits ECTS (European Credit Transfer and accumulation System) ...

Establishment of Dominance Hierarchies and Cooperation: A Game ...
Abstract? We study an interesting 2-player game known as the Iterated Traveler's Dilemma, a non-zero sum game in which there is a large number of possible ...
An adaptive reinforcement learning algorithm for the ... - GUPEA
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ARTS VISUELS - Université de Strasbourg
... ????1?TFT????td??6. ?1????????????????? td??ln?0.05?x5.5x10?12x16?5x10?6?52.8?sec ?6?6?. ?????????td?0.
A Case Study on the Iterated Traveler's Dilemma - Philip Dasler
Compare this with the ordinary outcome of a series of games between TFT and TFT players. They regularly revert to defection every thirty rounds or so, just ...
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Abstract. The Prisoner's Dilemma is a non-zero-sum discrete two-player game. It is often used to study social phenomena like cooperation.
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Traveler's Dilemma (TD) is a non-zero sum game in which each player has a large number of possible actions or moves. In the iterated context, this means many ...
A Continuous Version of the Prisoner's Dilemma - Tom Verhoeff
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The Iterated Traveler's Dilemma: Finding Good Strategies in Games ...
Abstract?In game theory, the Traveler's Dilemma (abbrevi- ated TD) is a non-zero-sum 1 game in which two players attempt to maximize their own payoff ...
How a Genetic Algorithm Learns to Play Traveler's Dilemma by ...
TD is a two-player, non-zero sum game that offers plenty of incentives for cooperation. Our goal is to gain deeper understanding of iterated two-player games ...
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TFT ????????????????? CC ????????. TFT ?????DD ???????? DC ??????????. GTFT ????? C ?????????? ...
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JAIST Repository
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