Quasi-Fiscal Deficits: Latin American Lessons for South Asia

Our budget deficits at the Federal level were run- ning at about a $150-$200 billion level pretty much from the mid-. 1980's right to the ...

TD Economics
We're building more apartments and affordable housing across the country and unlocking public lands and vacant government offices to build homes ...
Our research addresses the broad application domain of cryptography and cryptanalysis from the algo- rithmic perspective. We study all the algorithmic ...
CARAMBA - 2023 Inria teams activity reports
Material in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement is obligatory, together with a reference to the document number (TD/STAT.
handbook - of statistics 2006 - UNCTAD
... MOROCCO. 1000 WOR LD. 1010 INTRA-EC. 1011 EXTRA-EC. 1030 CLASS 2. 2801.30 ... SPAIN. 058 GERMAN DEM.R. 060 POLAND. 1000 WOR LD. 1010 INTRA-EC. 1011 EXTRA-EC. 1020 ...
Advances in understanding mineral dust and boundary layer ...
Part One. Report of the Commission on its annual session; comments and action thereon. THE FIFTEENTH SESSION (1982). A. Report of the United Nations ...
the Gulf of Cadiz (SE Spain) where monthly deposition ratios reached 30.6 ± 2.2. Both studies report poor. 210. Pb content in precipitation ...
application au bassin tropical montagneux de la Houay Xon au Laos
He.td Marketing Statistics. (rops. Section. Agriculture F)istsion. Stjtistics Canada,. Ottawa. Ontario. K IA 0L7 ... Spain - Espagne ... Morocco - Maroc ...
Grain milling statistics Statistiqu de mouti des grain
Ce travail a été réalisé au Centre de Recherche Pétrographiques et. Géochimiques (C.R.P.G.) de Nancy et à l'Institut Scientifique de Rabat ...
l n3' a - Istituto Affari Internazionali
In accordance with Article 21 § 3 of the Committee's Rules of Procedure1, the Chair of the Committee may conduct a vote by written procedure.
This allowed for more detailed views in countries from all shores including Türkiye, Algeria, Greece and Morocco. These insights provide a more nuanced.
Unraveling the Impact of Environmentally Harmful Subsidies in the ...
Labour.markets.across.the.European.Union.are.characterized.by.varied.regulatory. frameworks,.but.every.Member.
labour shortages and migration policy - IOM Publications
The Review of Maritime Transport is a recurrent publication prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat since 1968 with the aim of fostering the transparency of ...