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Eve - Warez.pdf - Birkbeck Institutional Research Online
Piracy works through digital and mechanical reproduction, but becollies a life of its own. A media form, piracy also became a larger mode of replication for ...
Maritime Emergency Simulation System (MESS) - SciTePress
On the C64 it's quite possible to complete a few trading runs without being forced to defeat an armada of pirates. But when combat does happen it's good fun, ...
Face à un environnement de plus en plus multiculturel et une intensification des préoccupations éthiques, la présente thèse a conceptualisé un modèle de ...
No 73 MAY 1991 - Annarchive
... td t· .. ~ l; I. I::.. r ~ I~ -. ~ ~& l ~- 1,-.. - t:-('cl (_ ~I 1 .r.·I. 't .f ... Piracy and Armed Robbery from , _r-h;i · () , ) ). Merchant Ships, by ...
ESSD-2021-172-2024-01-22 - ABoVE L- & P-Band SAR Surveys
TD, Read DJ. 2004. Changing partners in the dark: isotopic and molecular evidence of ectomycorrhizal liaisons between forest orchids and ...
Review and Analysis of Possible Measures to Minimize ... - UNCTAD
Pirates commonly use small dinghies which can be hidden by sea- waves. These boats are therefore hardly visible for shipping vessels radars.
Symbioses mycorhiziennes des orchidées épiphytes - HAL
Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty and every international agreement en- tered into by any Member of the United Nations ...