Emission, transport, and radiative effects of mineral dust from the ...
Another period is 15 days from 1 to 15. January 2008, which is the winter heavy snow season in Japan and the rainy season in Java Island. Simulations for 1.5 ...
Holocene in - Research CollectionThe study area is East Asia for two natural seasons, defined as winter (2 December?14 February) and spring (15. February?15 May), in accordance with regional ... Co-evolutions of temperature and monsoonal precipitation patterns ...Seasonal mean temperatures were above normal in eastern Japan and seasonal sunshine durations were above normal on Sea of Japan side of eastern Japan. These ... Regional Climatology East Asian Seas: An IntroductionGrowth in energy consumption of Japanese houses has been rising due to lifestyle changes, especially growth in ownership of appliances (Genjo et al., 2005). C-1. Statistical verification of short range forecasts by NHM and WRF ...Abstract. An extreme dry-slab snow-avalanche occurred on 10 Jan. 2021 at Mt. Nodanishoji, Gifu, Japan, during a heavy snowfall. Outlook for Electricity Supply?Demand and Cross-regional ...The process is the wisdom of life developed with the spirit of living with nature, capitalizing on the cold weather, rather than trying to resist the cold. Contribute to Global Environment Conservation and Climate ...- Seasonal temperatures were below normal in northern Japan due to cold air inflow. On the other hand, seasonal temperatures were above ... energy consumption of houses and lifestyle in cold climatic area of ...In this study, we developed methods for calculating WBGT(for hot season) and WCT(for cold season). It is useful for evaluating thermal comfort in city life ... Spatial snowpack properties in a snow-avalanche release areaPacific Ocean amplified the seasonal cooling of the Japan Sea during winter. Although a decrease in SST is recorded worldwide during the LMGC, ... Traditional Dietary Cultures of the JapaneseThe ?blocking phenomenon? is observed often in the Aleutian Sea area in winter. It is a phenomenon by which a ?cut-off high? [Note No.2] produced in the ... Outlook for Electricity Supply?Demand and Cross-regional ...The climate of Japan is often described as monsoonal due to the predominance of wintertime westerly to northerly flow, summertime southerly to ... Evaluating Thermal Comfort in City and its Relation to Socio ...The occurrence and amount of graupel precipitation over the Japan Islands are studied using routine surface observation data at 150 stations. 4?1?5 Blocking Anticyclones or Cut-off HighThe snowfalls are mainly caused by the passage of extratropical cyclones along the southern coast of Honshu, the main island of. Japan (Araki, ...
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