Water diversion in Brazil threatens biodiversity
Cetopsis candiru, Cetopsis coecutiens e Cetopsis oliveirai o volume do diencephalon é ... KOCHER, T.D.; THOMAS, W.K.; MEYER, A.; EDWARDS, S.V.; PÄÄBO, S ...
ANA CAROLINA SINIGALI ALVES LIMA ASSESSING THE IMPACT ...? cetopsis coecutiens 225, 226. Cetopsis coecutiens 9, 225, 226. Chaetobranchus flavescens 7, 334. Chalceus macrolepidotus 4, 32, 73?77. Characidae 2, 4, 60. neuroanatomia e filogenia da família cetopsidae (osteichthyes ...1)94; td .It.:t\·l.c'(ci:1ct .r]. l ql' ~ ; Llllhll'cr~ ~ /l. l.lg, ,·~c ... Cetopsis coecutiens (Lichtenstein, 1819). Coleçâo. INPA 2072 1 (23Smm). Nome ... REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE VOLUME - Wikimedia CommonsTD. C E. c-i. S3 to. S C c«. CL) c/1. C. <]J. (1J jq. D-. 1) c T) a. _a. Q. n ... and Goezeella siluri (Eucestoda: Proteocephalidea), parasites of Cetopsis ... Peixes do raixo Rio Tocantins : 20 anos depois da usina hidrelétrica ...Cetopsis coecutiens. X. 1. X. 1. Page 35. Animals 2011, 1. 239. Appendix 1. Cont. Family. Genus species. Alto. Yurúa. Alto. Ucayali. Alto. Purús. REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE - Wikimedia CommonsTable 1-1 Collection site information and basic genetic diversity indices for 162 channel catfish captured from Lac des Chats. animals - FaunalyticsThe present study describes the spatial and temporal structure of the estuarine fish community in the internal sector of the Amazon Estuary. Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii)... Cetopsis and. Hemicetopsis from Cetopsinae and the only genus, Helogenes, of ... coecutiens, all muscles exposed. Fig. 3-45 Cetopsidae: ventral view of ... Pictet, C - Musées et lieux d'art à GenèveAnalysis of 88 characters of external and internal body systems yielded a phylogenetic reconstruction of the. Neotropical electric knifefish genus ... Electric fishes of the genus Sternarchorhynchus (Teleostei ...region and pectoral girdle of Cetopsis coecutiens Spix & Agassiz, 1829, comparison with other Cetopsids, and comments on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic ... Fossil freshwater fishes and the biogeography of northern South ...ABSTRACT.?We present a molecular phylogenetic study of the major lineages of the Pimelodoidea, the second largest and most widespread clade of Neotropical ... Hydrological Connectivity Enhances Fish Biodiversity in Amazonian ...Abstract. The expansion of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon. Manual for the study of tapeworms (Cestoda) parasitic in ray-finned ...2004: Redescription of Brooksiella praeputialis and Goezeella siluri (Eucestoda: Pro- teocephalidea), parasites of Cetopsis coecutiens ( ...
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